

09 July 2015

UPSC Civil Service Topics

Department of Agriculture & Cooperation

1. Vision 

To enhance productivity and production of agricultural commodities to ensure the food, nutritional and livelihood security of the nation and also to make agriculture a sustainable and viable vocation for livelihood support by 2020.   

2. Mission 

To achieve 4 percent growth rate for agriculture sector during the 12th Plan, with the help of various State Governments and other Departments concerned in the Government of India by enhancing agriculture production & productivity and improving income level of all farmers by successful implementation of various new initiatives and agriculture missions/schemes such as National Food Security Mission, National Horticulture Mission, National Mission on Oil Seeds and Oil Palm, National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture,   National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology, Integrated Scheme for Farmers Income Security, Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Marketing, etc. to thus ensure food, nutritional and livelihood security. 

3. Objectives 

1. Increasing Crop production and Productivity thereby ensuring food security and enhanced income level to farmers 
2. Incentivizing states to enhance public investment in Agriculture & allied sectors   to sustain and maintain capital formation and agriculture infrastructure 
3. Diversification in Agriculture for increased income generation 
4. Ensuring supply of agricultural inputs for enhanced production and productivity 
5. Facilitate Plant Protection, Quarantine and Residue Management 
6. Dissemination of technology / information to farmers 
7. Enhancing Soil health and promotion of resource conservation technology for sustainable     agriculture   
8. Improving credit flow, market infrastructure, and risk mitigation 
9. Maintaining Agricultural statistics to aid policy development 
10. Drought Preparedness and Grant of relief under State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)     /National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) 
11. Encouraging private investment in Agriculture through PPP mode

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