

09 July 2015


Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), set up with a view to evolve a balanced and integrated price structure, recommends MSPs of 23 crops.These include seven cereal crops (paddy, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, ragi and barley), five pulse crops (gram, tur, moong, urad and lentil), seven oilseeds (groundnut, sunflower seed, soybean, rapeseed-mustard, safflower, nigerseed and seasmum), copra (dried coconut), cotton, jute and Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of Sugarcane

CACP is called upon to ensure that the production patterns are broadly in line with the overall needs (demand) of the economy. CACP submits its recommendations to the government in the form of Price Policy Reports every year, separately for five groups of commodities namely Kharif crops, Rabi crops, Sugarcane, Raw Jute and Copra

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