

14 January 2010


General Profile

Location: The Indian peninsula is separated from mainland Asia by the Himalayas. The Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, and the Indian Ocean to the south surround the Country.

Area: 3.3 Million sq km

Geographic Coordinates: Lying entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, the Country extends between 8° 4' and 37° 6' latitudes north of the Equator, and 68°7' and 97°25' longitudes east of it.

Capital: New Delhi

Border Countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan to the north-west; China, Bhutan and Nepal to the north; Myanmar to the east; and Bangladesh to the east of West Bengal. Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea, formed by Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.

Coastline: 7,516.6 km encompassing the mainland, Lakshadweep Islands, and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Climate: The climate of India can broadly be classified as a tropical monsoon one. But, in spite of much of the northern part of India lying beyond the tropical zone, the entire country has a tropical climate marked by relatively high temperatures and dry winters. There are four seasons - winter (December-February), (ii) summer (March-June), (iii) south-west monsoon season (June-September), and (iv) post monsoon season (October- November)

Natural Resources: Coal, iron ore, manganese ore, mica, bauxite, petroleum, titanium ore, chromite, natural gas, magnesite, limestone, arable land, dolomite, barytes, kaolin, gypsum, apatite, phosphorite, steatite, fluorite, etc.

Political Profile

Government Type: Sovereign Socialist Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government.

Administrative Divisions: 29 States and 6 Union Territories.

Constitution: The Constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950.

Executive Branch: The President of India is the Head of State, while the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government and runs office with the support of the Council of Ministers who form the Cabinet.

Legislative Branch: The Federal Legislature comprises of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) forming both the Houses of the Parliament.

Judicial Branch: The Supreme Court of India is the apex body of the Indian legal system, followed by other High Courts and subordinate Courts.

Demographic Profile

Population (as on March 2001): 1028.5 Million

  • Males: 532.1 Million
  • Females: 496.4 Million

Density of Population (2001): 324 persons per square kilometer

Life expectancy at Birth (2001- 2006)

  • Males: 63.9 years
  • Females: 66.9 years

Literacy Rate: 64.84 percent

  • Males: 75.26 percent
  • Females: 53.67 percent

Economic Profile

GDP at Factor Cost (constant prices 1999-2000) in Q2 of 2009-10 : Rs. 8,34,780 crore (Est.)

GDP at Factor Cost (current prices) in Q2 of 2009-10: Rs. 12,79,500 crore (Est.)

Per Capita Income(constant prices) in 2008-09: Rs. 25,494

Per Capita Income(current prices) in 2008-09: Rs.37,490

GDP composition by sector during 2008-09: Services 57.0%, Agriculture 17.1%, and Industry 25.9%

Forex Reserves : US $ 285.74 billion (for the week ended December 11, 2009)

Exports: US$ 91.05 billion (April-October 2009)

Imports: US$ 148.37 billion (April-October 2009)

Amount of FDI inflows during 2009-10: US$ 15.31 billion (April 2009-September 2009)

Cumulative amount of FDI Inflows: US$ 121.85 billion (August 1991 to September 2009)

Top Sectors Attracting highest FDI inflows:The sectors attracting the highest FDI equity inflows during April-September 2009 have been the Services Sector (US$ 2.63 billion),Telecommunications (US$ 2.01 billion),Housing and Real Estate (US$ 1.89 billion),Power(US$ 1.19 billion), Construction Activities (US$ 991 million).

Top Investing Countries: The top investing countries in terms of FDI equity inflows during April-September 2009 have been Mauritius (US$ 6.52 billion), U.S.A (US$ 1.24 billion), Singapore (US$ 1.19 billion), Cyprus (US$ 794 million), Japan (US$ 793 million),Netherlands (US$ 571 million), U.A.E (US$ 484 million), Germany (US$ 375 million), U.K (US$ 282 million), France (US$ 185 million).

1 comment:

  1. S.Vijayan, Student from Manithaneyam IASFebruary 3, 2010 at 12:32 AM

    Dear Sir,

    Please kindly provide tips on how to study the thing in short or given span of time for prelim i.e.Time mgt.
