

21 August 2015


29 Eco Sensitive Zones notified by The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

The National Wild Life Action Plan (2002-2016) provided for declaring identified areas around Protected Areas and corridors as ecologically fragile under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, wherever necessary. The Indian Board for Wild Life on 21st January, 2002 considered Wild Life Conservation Strategy, 2002 and recommended that lands falling within 10 km of the boundaries of National Parks and Sanctuaries should be notified as eco-fragile zones under Section 3(v) of the Environment (Protection) Act and Rule 5  Sub-Rule 5(viii) & (x) of Environment (Protection) Rules.
          The National Board for Wild Life reviewed the matter and recommended that delineation of eco-sensitive zones would have to be site specific, and relate to regulation, rather than prohibition, of specific activities. The following criteria, as proposed by the Ministry were agreed by the National Board for Wildlife for declaration of Eco-Sensitive Zones around National Parks and Sanctuaries:
i.Complete protection to endemic species in its entire range;
ii.Development processes not to reduce, damage or destroy the habitat  of critically  endangered or any other threatened species;
iii.Protection to biological corridors;
iv.Protection to highly complex and diversified ecosystems susceptible to irreversible damage, like coral reefs, mangroves, etc.;
v.Sites associated with reproductive, breeding or nurturing behaviour of  rare and threatened species;
vi.Existence of pristine forests;
vii.Steep slopes ( more than 60ยบ)

At present the 29 ESZ spread across 10 States notified by the Union Government are spread across Haryana, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Sikkim, Goa, Maharasthra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttarakhand. Jammu and Kashmir government has identified 12 ESZ around National Parks and Sanctuaries in the state, including those around the Gulmarg Wildlife Sanctuary, Dachigam National Park, Hemis High Altitude National Park and Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary.

The conservation and sustainable development of ESZ is achieved through preparation of Zonal Master Plans for them on a scientific basis with adequate participation of the local communities and line departments of the state government

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