

14 May 2012



Kuwait                    :   Parliament Election – Islamists (opposition parties)
                                get 34 out of total 50 seats.  Sunni Islamists get
                                23 (out of the 34).  No women wins.  All 4 earlier
                                women M.Ps. lose.  Shias (30% of population) get
                                only 7 seats.

Syria                       :  Its regime is drawn from 10% Alawite Shia
                                minority.  So the Sunni extremists have jumped
                                into the fray.

Palestine                  :  President Mahmoud Abbas (West supported) join
                                hand for general election in west bank and Gaza
                                trip in May.  The agreement was brokered by
                                Qatar.  Hamas violently took Gaza in 2007.

Maldives                  :  President Nasheed resigns on  police protest.  Out of its 1190 inlands only 200 are inhabitated.  It got
                                full independence from England in 1965.  In a coup
                                attempt in 1988, India had saved the then president by sending naval forces under  “ Operation Cactus”.

U.S.                        :  Issues new licences for two nuclear plants.  Last
                                licence given was in 1978.  Three mile Island
                                disaster was in 1979.  After that all construction
                                had stopped.  The last reactor come up in 1996
                                (It has 104 nuclear reactors).

France U.K.Pact        :  It is a challenge to the U.S.A. by France – U.K.
                                Defence cooperation.  This is as per the “Lancaster
                                House  Accords” signed by France & U.K. in 2010

Turkmenistan          :  Energy rich (in gas) – So TAPI.

Iran                        :  Chabahar Port is our entry into energy rich Central

Israel                      :  Bombed Iraq’s reactor in 1981, Syria’s in 2007.  It
                                Tries ‘stuxnet’ worm against Iran’s centrifuges last year.

Maldives                  :  ‘Operation Cactus’ in 1988.  India started with
                                Hulule Island near Maldives. INS Godavari carried
                                out the operation.  Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
                                watched the operation in Navy room in Delhi.
Somalia                   :   Deal for a Government Structure.  Western backed
                                TFG transitional Fed Govt. will  end in August.  So
                                Somalia President and Presidents of break away
                                Puntland & Galmudug regions and the head of anti-
                                Shebab Militia, have concluded an agreement for a new Govt.  A 225 member lower house will have
                                30% women.  An upper house of 54 to be nominated and drawn from different clans and regions.  A national constituent Assembly of 1000     persons to be nominated by the above 4 heads. Agreement was signed at Garowe.  Mogadishu city   Is protected by 10000 A.U. forces from Uganda,Burundi and Dijibouti.

Kyrgyz                    :  Its Manas airport is U.S. base.  They ask U.S. to
                                close it (under Russian Pressure).

Yemen                    :  Saleh to go he is 4th dictator to quit (after Tunisia,
                                Egypt and Libya).  It is the base of Qaida, Shia Iran
                                supports its north rebels of Houthi.  Saudi Arabia
                                had sent troops in 2009 to quell this revolt across
                                its porous border.

Iran                       :  Its massive military exercise ‘Sarollah’ (god’s
                                Revenge) to protect its nuclear sites against
                                Israeli strike.

Syria Vote               :  The west presumes its role as per the doctrine of
                                R  P (Responsibility to Protect).

Hungary                  :  Invaded by Soviet Union in 1956.  It joined E.U. in

Syria                      :  Pro Iran Hezbollah of Lebanon is also an ally of

Pakistan                  :  has 2nd highest shia population after Iran. It is
                                Approx 50 million.

Kiribati                    :  Buying 6000 acres of land in Viti Levu (Fiji’s
                                main island) to shift its population due to sea
                                level rising.  Kiribati  has a population of 1,03,000
                                Fiji’s population is 8,50,000. Kiribati straddles the
                                Equator near the I.D.L.

U.S.A.                    :  The National Defence  Authorisation Act imposes
                                sanction on Iran.

Mali                        :  Coup by military soldiers who went to fight for
                                Qadhafi in Libya have come back heavily armed.
                                The Govt. has not properly handled the Tuareg
                                Insurgency of the north.

Mali                        :  Tuareg rebels take control of the north.  They
                                declare it to be independent Azawad nation.
                                   In 1958  they requested France (the colonial
                                Power) not to pair them with Mali.  Military coup
                                Leader captain Amdaou Sanogo.  Mali was the
                                Only functioning demo in the region.  The election
                                Was only on month away.

NMLA                     :  National movement for the liberation of Azawad.

Kenya                      :  Oil discovered first time.  It is in Turkana region
                                Bordering south Sudan and Uganda.

Syria                      :  6 point plant of Kofi Annan – Ceasefire, first by
                                Syria, daily two hours halt to fighting to evacuate
                                the injured.  Syria-led talks to address concern of
                                Syrian people.

Argentina                :  The junta fell after Falkland war in 1982.

Palestine                 :  Wishes to be an independent state in the west bank
                                including east Jerusalem and Gaza strip.

Mali                         :  Ansar Dine, the extremist Islamist group wants
                                to impose sharia law in the Azawad region  freed
                                by MNLA.
                                                                        Tuaregs are fighting for freedom since 1958.  They
                                are in the north, and have a light skin. The
                                Southerners have a dark skin.

Guinea Bissau          :  Soldiers stage a coup to capture the capital.

South Sudan            :  Proposes oil pipe line from Juba to Lamu in Kenya
                                for export.

Occupied West Bank:   Only one hour drive from  Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion
                                Airport.  Palestinians fly to the airport to throng
                                  to the west bank in protest.

Turkey                     : Had 4 coups in 1960,1971,1980 and 1997.    The                                1997 was called the ‘Post Modern’ coup.
Kenya                      : Mau Mau rising in 1950s. A man was roasted alive
                                by the British soldiers.  The rising was at Kikuyu.

Sudan                      : Got independence from England and Eqypt on
                                1st January 1956.

Turkey                     : Gulen movement founded by Fetehullah Gulen
                                against the privileges of the Military. Mr Gulen
                                did not support the 1997 soft coup that ousted
                                the Prime Minister Necmetin Erbakan.


Tripura                      :       Border with Bangladesh is 856 k.m.
                                        Palatana P.P. is 726 MW. Bangladesh
                                        Wants a share.  In 1971, Tripura had more
                                        Refugees than population.

Lahore                       :       First ever ‘India Show’ organised 200 Indian
                                        Companies participated.

Pakistan                     :       May lease Gilgit Baltistan  to China for 50
                                        Years.  In 1963 China – Pak agreement was
                                        Reached on Aksai China.  China kept
                                        5300 that Pak claimed and transferred
                                        1942 in Oprang Valley to Pak.

Pakistan                     :       Ayub khan took over in 1958.  He removed
                                        the word ‘Islamic’ from the name of Pak.
                                        It was reintroduced in 1962.

Iran                          :       Negotiations were carried  on by P-5    
                                        (Permanent-5) +1 (Germany).

Meghalay                   :       Border with Bangladesh is 443 km.

                                      PLACES (FOREIGN)

Strait of Hormuz          :       It is generally 20 miles.  But its channels are
                                        Sometimes two miles across.

Arctic Circle                :       Common possession of humanity.  But nations
                                        try to monopolise it – US, Russia,  Canada,
                                        Denmark & Norway Arctic Circle is 21 million
                                        sq km land and 13 million sq km ice bound.
                                        It has 40% of world’s current gas and oil.  The
                                        distance between Rotterdam and Yakohama
                                        through North West Passage (above Russia
                                        and Europe) is 12894 km.  It is 20921 km via
                                        Suez.  So new geopolitical contest.  The
                                        traditional strategic choke points of global
                                        route – PanamaSuez, Bosphorous and
                                        Malacca lose their economic significance. They
                                        are also pirate infested.  The distribution of
                                        World’s critical resources would be drastically

Aleppo                       :       Syria’s most populous city & business hub near
                                        Turkey border.

Tartus Port                 :       Of Syria Iranian ship had gone there to

Parchin                      :       Military testing site of Iran.  It does not allow
                                        IAEA observers to visit this site.

Northern Distribution
Network                     :       It is a route to  Central Asia. It involves
                                        Iran, Uzbeki & Afghan. A part of it from
                                        Termez in Uzbekistan to Mazar –e- Sharif
                                        (Afgan) is used by NATO for non-lethal
                                        supplies.  Mazar Herat road goes to
                                        Delaram, an India built road from Iran
                                        border to Port of  Chabahar.

Bab Amr Area             :       Of Homs in  Syria.  Fighting continues the
                                        destruction is comparable to Grozny, what
                                        the UN described as the most destroyed
                                        city on earth Baba Amr is Sunni dominated.

Timbuktu                   :       (Mali coup) – It is the ‘Pearl of the desert’
                                        (Mali – cap- Bomako).

Kawhmu                    :       Suu Kyi’s constituency at the South West
                                        fringe of Yangoon.

Heglig                        :       Oil rich area of SudanSouth Sudan captures

Kharag Island             :       Its oil terminal of Iran, which handles 90% of
                                        Its export.  It is hit by cyber attack.

indOOS                      :       Indian ocean observing system- 49 buoys
                                        are to be placed, but thwarted by pirates.

RAMA                        :       Research moored array for African, Asian
                                        Australian Monsoon analysis and

BGREI                        :       Bringing green Rev to Eastern India.  It is a
                                        Program of RKVYJ.  Eastern region includes
                                        AssamBihar, Chhatis, Jharkhand, Odisha,
                                        Eastern U.P. and W.B.

Cotton Export Ban       :       Export has exceeded target of 8.4. million bales.


Zhang Jun                  :       Bharatnatyam & Kathak dancer of China
                                        In 1950s & 1960s she xpires at 79 now.

Sobha Brahma            :       Artist & sculptor from Assam dies at 82.

K.L. Saigal                  :       Sang 185 songs

Films                         :       100 years.  Raja Harischandra was released
                                        On 21st April 1913.  Pundalik was released in
                                        1912, but it was the project of a British


Ballon d’Or                 :       FIFA’s highest award (for 2011) goes to
                                        Lionel. Messi for the 3rd consecutive year.
                                        Platini, Johan Cruyff & Marco Van, Basten
                                        are the only 3 others who have got it for
                                        3 years.

Golden Globe              :       Best Director is Martin Scorsese(‘Hugo’).
                                        Best film is ‘descendants’. Best actress is
                                        Meryl streep.  Best actor is George
                                        Clooney (Descendants).

British Academy Film
Awards                      :       ‘The Artist’ a black  and white silent movie
                                        sweeps in 12 categories.  Director is French
                                        Michael Hazanavicius.

Padma Vibhushan                :       Bhupen Hazarika, Mario de Miranda
                                        (Cartoonist), K.G. Subramanian
                                        (Painting & Sculpture), Dr.K.H. Sancheti

Ashok Chakra             :       Navdeep Singh posthumously.

Amartya Sen              :       Gets U S A’s National Medal for arts and
                                        humanities.  He is first non-American to
                                        get the honour.

Oscar                                :       ‘The Artist’ – silent movie Meryl Streep gets
                                        Best actress for playing, Margaret Thatcher
                                        in ‘Iron Lady’.  Pakistan’s –  documentary
“Saving Face” (on acid victims) by Ms Sharmeen                      Obaid Chinoy, their first Oscar.

Pritzker Prize              :       Nobel for architecture.  It goes to Wang Shu
                                        of China.

National Film Award     :       Two films – ‘Byari’ and ‘Deool’ (Marrathi)
                                        share the top honour.  The Director of
                                        ‘Byari’ is K.P. Suveerar.

Women Kabadi            :       The world cup was at PatnaIndia wins

Abel Prize                   :       Endre Szemeredi, Hungarian
                                        Mathematician for 2012.

Dada Saheb Phalke      :       Soumitra Chatterjee gets it for 2011.
                                        He acted in Satyajit Ray films.


‘Where China Meets India’     :       By Thant Mynt U (U Thant’s grandson)
                                                On Myannar.

“ Breaking the silence”         :       This books depicts the memory of
                                                1960-65 in Indonesia, when Suharto
                                                started his anti – communism purge.
                                                He killed 5 lakh people, the ruled
                                                Indonesia for 32 years.

‘Can’t is not an option’          :       Book by Namrata Randhawa Haley,
                                                South Carolina Governor.

Newton                              :       His book ‘Math Principles of Natural
                                                Philosophy’ could not be published by
                                                Royal Society till 1687.  The society
                                                was a bankrupt by publishing an 
                                                illustrated book – A History of Fishes
                                                Edmund Halley then a clerk at the
                                                Royal Society raised funds for Newton’s
                                                Book’s publication.


A.N.C.                               :       African National Congress celebrates
100 years on 8th January.  It came to
Power in 1994.

Mat science                                :       Institute of mathematical sciences was
                                                set up on 3.1.1962.  So fifty years now.

Poona pact                         :       was signed in Yarawada Jail in 1932
                                                between  Gandhiji and Ambedkar.

Gen Francisco Franco           :       Ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975.  The
                                                Republicans were defeated in the civil war
1936-39.    It led to Franco’s rule.1,40,000
People disappeared during his rule.  But
the 1977 Amnesty Law does not permit
the period to be investigated.

Falkland war                       :       In 1982 between Argentina and England
                                                over Falkland Islands (Malvinas, as
                                                Argentina calls it).

Queen Elizabeth                  :       Sixty years of reign from 6th Feb.1952,
                                                when her father George VI had died.
                                                She was in Kenya.  Queen Victoria
                                                Reigned for 63 years.

Germany                            :       Demanded more living space
(lebens raum) in Czech and Poland before      the 2nd world war.

A S I                                 :       150 years.  It is in charge of 3677
                                                Monuments and sites and 44 antiquities.
                                                Out of them 23 are UNESCO heritage.

Black Hand                         :       Nationalists of Serbia killed Archduke
Ferdinand which led to the First world war.

France                               :       There was a law criminalising Armenian
                                                Genocide denial.  So Turkey withdrew
                                                Its ambassador from Paris.  But now
                                                France’s constitution council quashed
                                                that law.

                                       CONFRENCES   INT

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas                :       The 10th one at Jaipur.  Chief guest is
Mrs. Kamla Prasad Bissessar, Prime Minister  of Trinida & Tobago Oil & Natural Gas is their 40% of GDP.  So Tinide & Tobago wants to set up a refinery in Rajsthan.

Davos                                :       N -11 nations

Durban                              :       India insisted on equity principle.  CBDR
(Common but differentiated Responsibilities) was recognised in 1992
Rio conference)

Tunis                                 :       Friends of Syria met.  Russia & China
                                                boycott it.

London                              :       Conference on Somalia. The transitional
                                                Fed Govt.will end in August.

Seoul                                 :       Nuclear security summit.  This is the 2nd  
                                                One.  The first was at Washington in
                                                April – 2010.  Nuclear materials should be
                                                Safely kept so that terrorists do not make
                                                A ‘dirty bomb’.  India will establish an
                                                NSRA (Nuclear Safety  Regulatory Auth)
                                                Under a law.

                                                The precursor to the NSS meeting at Seoul
                                                ‘Sherpa’s’ meeting was concluded at
                                                Delhi in January 2012.

BRICS                                :       4th summit at Delhi.  It concludes two
                                                agreements – Master Agreement on
                                                Extending credit facility in Local Currency,
and Multilateral Letter of credit Confirmation Facilities Agreement.

Phnom Penh                       :       ASEAN  Summit 20th calls for lifting
                                                Sanctions against Myanmar.

Summit of  Americas           :       CartagenaColombia (April 14-15).

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