

28 July 2010


Economic Prospect For Year 2010

Global economy is seems to be expanding after a recent shock. Indian Economy, however just felt the blow of the global economic recession and the real economic growth have seen a sharp fall followed by the lower exports, capital outflow and corporate restructuring. It is expected that the global economies continue to stay strong in the short-term as the effect of stimulus is still strong as tax cuts are working their through the system and infrastructure projects will come through in early 2010. Due to strong position of liquidity in the market, large corporations now have access to capital in corporate credit markets.

India’s Economic Outlook Projection
GDP Growth 9.40%7.30%7.60%8.30%
CPI 6.40%9.30%5.50%4.90%

Year 2009 has started on the gloomy note, however the trend reversed from the first quarter of the year, financial markets posted strong gains fueled by huge amount of capital inflows which was set-aside during the economic downturn in search of a higher yield. Number of companies jumped into the equity markets to raise funds to de-leverage themselves, corporate risk have declined. Before the beginning of the economic recession, several companies betted on the better economic future and blindly raised funds thru various options (largely in a way of debt). Real Estate was the hardest hit industry during the recession. Many companies even offloaded their huge amount of stake, in order to meet the deadline to pay-off the short-term debt. Not only the realty companies which has faced that situation, actually many Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have opted that option to expand themselves aggressively and routed out of the business. As the new year begins, the new wave of optimism has surrounded the economies to expand further from the recent shock, with the expectations of fresh stimulus package, shrink in unemployment rate, expectations of the high inflation, higher interest rates in the emerging economies. Over the next few months, inflation would be a worrisome for the economies. According to the estimates, inflation would likely to reach up to 10%, resulted, the expectations of the monetary policy tightening from the Reserve Bank of India in the second quarter review of monetary policy. Asian economies – Chinese economy in particular, along with India are in the strongest place for a sustained recovery. There are increasing signs of a recovery in a private domestic demand.

Inflation Direction -

Since the global economies are emerging from the lows, in a short run, inflation is expected to rise due to bounce back in demand for commodities. Although, the underlying inflation are still on the downside. Higher unemployment rate in the west will lead to low wage growth and pricing power would be limited for a long time as demand will be very vulnerable to price rises. But, India would buck the trend in inflation due to ample amount of liquidity in the system and rising demand.

India Economy 2010 Overview -

In order to keep the economic growth during the time of worst recession, Federal authorities in India has announced the stimulus packages to prop-up the economic growth. To finance the stimulus packages, Indian Government has raised over $100 billion over the last four quarters in a way to finance the stimulus package. Country’s Public debt, according to the latest data has zoomed to over 50% of the total GDP and India’s Central bank, Reserve Bank of India has started printing new currency notes.

Central Government Debt
in Rs. Crores (10 Million)Q3 2008Q3 2009% of GDP
Public Debt (Sum of 1 and 2)2,099,286.232,505,450.7450.71%
1. External Debt237,351.77294,941.67
2. Internal Debt1,861,934.462,210,509.07

Going forward, India will see sharp rise in supply side inflation, after the effect of large government borrowings, printing of new currency notes, rise in food prices due to huge gap in demand-supply. Interest rates will also expected to rise awkward, as the central bank will take precautionary measure to contain inflation rate and expanding money supply.

For the equity markets, investors are still in a quest for a higher return and turned down their investments in Government Bonds/Securities. There are lot of money which are still available to readily invest into the equity markets. Indian financial markets expected to be range-bound as the fear of higher valuation would be the concern for a sort while. Moreover, volatility is expected to come down as the market timings has been extended by an hour in parallel to the other Asian equity markets. This will help the Indian markets to hit newer highs which, we have been waiting for more than two years. There is no extra concern on the front of equity markets, as the Equity, nowadays, considered as the best asset class to invest in, the main reason would be the overstated potential of precious metals like Gold and Silver, which has seen a sharp rally last year, in a time of gloomy economic picture.

Stability in the Global Economy Means Expansion of the Indian Economy -

All of us have seen a unprecedented government intervention during the economic recession by way of announcing huge amount of stimulus package for the economy to prop-up domestic demand. With many recovery tools were used during the crisis, government deficits are in deep red and central bank rates are almost zero in certain countries and the prospect of zero rates over a longer period and deflationary concerns will probably gain the upper hand and send bond yields lower. Hence, there is a low scope of further announcement.

As far as the Indian economy is concerned, is suffering from huge debt to GDP ratio, moreover India is the largest net importer of commodities like Oil, Food, metal in relation to the GDP. Sharp decline in oil prices, could cut the subsidy burden and those savings would be use for the fiscal stimulus. Increased and better expenditure with greater focus on improved outcomes in social and physical infrastructure, and safety nets will speed up the recovery consistent with the long-term growth.

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